Monday, November 29


314/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

I scored some awesome fairy tale collection books at Half Price Books in Austin. They feature a lot of the original ones before Disney made them uncreepy. Before Disney, everyone died and there were no happy endings. Read the original Little Mermaid and tell me if there's a singing crab.

This picture is one of five or so. I haven't read it's accompanying story but it's simply called, "Oh," which I find very intriguing and amusing. Coulda been a classic, I'm sure.


313/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

One of my favorite things we did today was go to an amazing antique/resale shop called Uncommon Objects on South Congress. I don't know what I'd do with most of this stuff, but I like to look at it. I'd buy it if it weren't so expensive.

Wish I could work one of these...

These are old post cards with notes on them from the early 1900's. Like just about everything in this store, they're a little creepy.

Grover was hungry so Claire found a nook to feed him. I like her style.

It's sort of like a treasure trove of an attic with me in it.

It's creepy. I wouldn't buy it. But...I like to look at it.

These were sitting right next to some fairly inappropriate pictures...

I really liked the store. I wanted to buy a huge map of Africa from 1915. I like maps. It's pretty common to like maps, but I guess I'm pretty common in that area. I wonder how different our maps will be 100 years from now.

Before Uncommon Objects, we stopped by Pumpkin Patch, where Misti works. Grover tried on some hats.


Baby Transformer.

In other news, it's time for me to go to bed.

Saturday, November 27


312/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Lauren left to go back to school this morning so we went to breakfast at Bailey's with these guys and my parents. Might be hard to believe, but we made a sort of scene trying to get these pictures. Seems to be a habit of mine.

I decided to go to Austin today. Ran a few errands with my parents after breakfast, threw a few things in a bag, and got on the road. Forgot about Thanksgiving traffic. It only delayed me about 40 minutes, but there were just a lot of cars on the road.

I screamed when I walked into the Gillen's apartment and Grover was not so happy about seeing me:

He started getting over it. I like the pumpkin pie on his nose.

We've already been to Kerby Lane for unlimited coffee and then stopped by Half Price Books where I picked up a retro copy of Mere Christianity and two Fairy Tale compilation books from way waaaay back.

Impromptu road trips never disappoint!

Friday, November 26


311/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

That is how the morning ended.

This is how we got there:
4 AM and we're feeling it.

Jump to 15 minutes later...

We're totally awake:


This one might be my favorite.

Goal one: run inside screaming. Goal two: attempt to take items out of other people's hands. Both goals: accomplished with a ridiculous amount of success.

Oh, and goal three: buy stuff for cheap.

And top it off with a 15% discount!

Goal four: run, don't walk.

Unless you are in a windbreaker and inhibited by your fear of breaking the rules AKA running in the (empty) mall. Speed-walking is allowed in this case.

Goal five: be like this in public. In the public where the rich people go.

And goal six: take a good photo with the loot.






-Running through Macy's to get to Gap. Mother following behind, denies to a Macy's employee that she's with us.
-High-fiving some guys going the opposite direction on the escalator with mucho gusto. Exclaiming, "We ARE the Christmas spirit!"
-Buying a pair of ridiculously amazing black heels.
-Running into Faustin at Target and every other store in the mall. It's more random than you'd think, to run into your African on your side of town.

photo (23)

Final highlight:
-Never not laughing. I am officially sold on Black Friday!

Thursday, November 25


310/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

Happy Thanksgiving! That's my Papa, his son, and his grandson.

You're probably very familiar with the grandson. He pops up here a lot.


I love when you make this face!

We used my great-grandmother's China today. It was a nice change from the plastic plates...but don't put the China in the microwave.

I made the sweet potatoes and two desserts. Mom made the green bean casserole, homemade wheat rolls, and deviled eggs.

For some reason I really want to go for a run...

Wednesday, November 24


309/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

We did lots of other stuff today, promise.


Mom calls these our modern day cookbooks.


This part is important.


And now, please follow this link.

Tuesday, November 23


308/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

It's been awhile since Gracey showed up on here. Today I was knitting on the couch and she just curled up on my feet, all warm and cute.

And then my dad walked in with this box of goodies:

Fresh produce in November never looked so good!


307/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

I didn't blog last night because all of the sudden I felt ridden with sickness. I think it's a head cold but my whole body hurts, so who knows.

Day-time was pretty super yesterday, though. Rachel and I went shopping in Dallas and then she had to work at Target. I went with her and walked around for awhile until Lauren came to pick me up on her way home from Africa. I was sitting in Starbucks about to drink my tea and this crazy person runs at the window. I just think you have to have an incredible talent to the be so mismatched! See there, Lauren? I turned it in to a compliment. You thought I was going to make fun of you. But I'm full of surprises.

Once we got home she finished off my pumpkin pudding in the fridge. Such a good sister!

Sunday, November 21


306/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

My mom took one look at my lunch and said, "I'm sorry, and I know that you will probably love all of that, but I am just not jealous for your food right now."

C'mooooooooon, Mom!

Saturday, November 20


305/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

Guess which one I was?

Friday, November 19


304/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

I spent all day at the RU4 Children offices today. Really great things happening there. This morning we did a photo shoot for the online store. I designed that shirt down there! And when the store opens, you're all going to see this picture, and love this shirt, and buy it. For the kids. And because it's an awesome shirt.

Thursday, November 18


303/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

Two months to go. I know I said I'd post a picture of myself every 18th and I'm counting this one for many reasons. First, because yesterday's post featured more than enough pictures of me, blurry or not. Second, my feet are still me. And I figure when I'm 95 and looking through scrapbooks of old internet pages through my special computer glasses or recalling a photo from a memory chip in my brain, I'll want to remember how hot my feet looked in these shoes that I tried on today when I went shopping with Mimi and Amber.

I'm not a shoe person, really. I like barefoot, sandals, or boots. But recently...I see the appeal. And I definitely see the appeal of heals. Why not? I'm tall. Deal with it.

Today was a really great day. I left with my dad - he went to work, I went to my grandparent's house. Within the first hour they had me crying at the breakfast table. They are so sweet and they know just what verse to read, what to say about it, and what to pray about. They also know what advice to give, most of the time without even knowing why they are giving it. My grandparents are so relevant in my life.

I'm helping my grandpa out with a new project for his ministry and I'm just incredibly excited about the things we talked about today. It's definitely going to keep me busy.

After a productive morning we all went for BBQ. Met up with my dad, Chris, and one of their super employees who goes to our church and is my favorite worship leader...also Amber and Keane were with us. Keane and I had some awesome cousin-bonding time today. We are so tight.

I love BBQ. I discovered that I love ribs. I was convinced I could be a vegetarian a year ago. What's with that?

Chris wanted me to go to this bakery in downtown Weatherford afterwards. Ummmm I can see why. Can you?






Red velvet cake ball, pumpkin cake ball. So awesome. So rich. I couldn't finish.

This is so totally up my alley. I just want to have a bakery like this and wear amazing heals while I bake pumpkin...everything. And there will be a wall completely covered in books. It will be whimsical. And I'll be taller than everyone there and people will love the tall freak in the whimsical bakery that for some reason has multiple copies of the Narnia books just sitting around. My future life is so rad.