Saturday, November 27


312/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Lauren left to go back to school this morning so we went to breakfast at Bailey's with these guys and my parents. Might be hard to believe, but we made a sort of scene trying to get these pictures. Seems to be a habit of mine.

I decided to go to Austin today. Ran a few errands with my parents after breakfast, threw a few things in a bag, and got on the road. Forgot about Thanksgiving traffic. It only delayed me about 40 minutes, but there were just a lot of cars on the road.

I screamed when I walked into the Gillen's apartment and Grover was not so happy about seeing me:

He started getting over it. I like the pumpkin pie on his nose.

We've already been to Kerby Lane for unlimited coffee and then stopped by Half Price Books where I picked up a retro copy of Mere Christianity and two Fairy Tale compilation books from way waaaay back.

Impromptu road trips never disappoint!


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