Monday, February 15


29/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

My bedroom door. It's been like this since high school and I never really took notice of it as an adult, but I'm cleaning out my room today. And I just stopped to look at it. I can't decide if I met my high school-self today I'd think her an ignorant, naive, self-centered (come on, EVERYone?) teenager - and if I did think that, am I really just a pessimestic, bitter 20 something? OR would I think she was rad and had her whole life ahead of her? Would she believe me I'd I told her she'd refer to herself as "rad"?

On the other hand, wonder what she'd think of me these days. I think there would be good and bad surprises.

I won't list them. Sheesh, that'd be some exercise.

So now I have to decide: keep the door decs up or toss 'em? And when I say "toss them" I mean stick them in a box somewhere that I'll find years from now when I'm digging through my old clothes for my kids' 90's day at school and exclaim, "Oh my gosh! I was so..."

...fill in the blank.


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