Friday, February 19


33/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

In the process of cleaning the room I spent years 14-18 in, I've unearthed quite a few interesting things. A lot of junk, too. But I think I'm just about finished going through it all. I took a huge bag to Goodwill this morning (goodbye, Belmont freshman t-shirts and old text books!) and I've got a ton of things to recycle. Cleaning my room is helping the world. Leonardo DiCaprio would be proud.

Before I started cleaning, mom told me not to give away this basket. It's one of those things that was always there, but I didn't really know why or where it came from.

Turns out her brother and his wife - my uncle and aunt - Victor and Debbie, sent this potted-plant-filled-porcelain basket to the hospital the day I was born. About 25 years and 33 days ago. Somehow, I never knew that.

Mom told me that she really loved this basket. She thought it was really beautiful. Now that I know some young moms and and within that age range myself, I can understand how much a gift like this would mean. And when I heard her talk about it, I could imagine the joy that must have been transposed to every little thing around her after having a little girl. I think this basket still holds a little bit of that joy.

It really has nothing to do with me, but more with my mother's own journey from Oklahoma girl to Texas wife and mother.

I have some other things that I'm excited to share over the next few days. I guess before you can move forward, you have to know where you came from. I'm fusing who I was with who I am...and I'm excited about who I'm going to be.


Anonymous said...

Way to make me almost, just about, maybe a little; cry. But, you're right, Brittany, that little basket is all about memories. (amazing ones)

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