Thursday, June 17


151/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

Today has been one of Those Days.

I normally don't blog about Those Days because no one wants to hear it, and I don't want to re-iterate that sometimes life is just not as great as I want it to be. Don't get me wrong, I love my life. I have absolutely nothing to complain about because I know it's all because of some crazy amounts of grace that I even have a shirt on my back. I know I don't deserve the shirt on my back. But the thing that bothers me about life, is that it's fleeting. How time...goes. And doesn't really care about me. Stupid, inconsiderate time.

Not that I deserve time...of course.

Today was not a bad day, it was just a Those Day. I woke up at 9 and made three small blueberry pancakes. Then I sat around until noon in my pajamas while my sisters laughed at me because I was scouring food blogs, recipe books, and lists I've made trying to find something fun and exciting to cook. Lauren got really sick of me saying, "Oh! I know what I feel like...." But really, I didn't know what I felt like. I didn't even feel like cooking, actually. It was just a fail-safe.

Meanwhile, Lauren decided SHE felt like tuna for lunch. I finally closed the cook books and had a tuna sandwich, too.

I told Lauren I felt bad because I had a million things running through my head that I should be doing and instead I was reading food blogs. She didn't believe me and told me to rattle off ten things.


"I should be praying, working on music, making aprons, working out, swimming, calling Sallie Mae, cooking, showering..."

I mean, I wasn't kidding.

I got dressed. And then I turned on the TV and went back to my computer. I couldn't shake it.

But eventually I convinced Lauren to go on an Adventure Thursday with me! We would make it fun!!

First, we drove about 30 minutes out to a house that we're house-sitting. We stopped for buy-one-get-one-free hot fudge shakes on the way.

I thought I should take a picture while I was driving. That resulted in chocolate shake spilling into my air vents.

Lauren tried to clean it up with the closest thing I had to a napkin.

My bank receipt.

We decided to go out to Central Market in Southlake afterwards. I spent too much on weird food. Then I spent too much on gas. We filled up on free samples at Central Market. Also, some not-so-free samples. What else are candy aisles for??

We got home about 6:00 and we ate dinner. I have been full since 10 AM this morning but man, it was dinner time.

Lauren and I decided to make healthy Rice Krispies Treats with brown puff rice and dark chocolate on top.

We burned them.

Who does that?

We were desperate to redeem the day. So we went rollerblading. Actually, it was probably the best part of the day.

Until we got home and realized that So You Think You Can Dance didn't record because of a bunch of HD sports we had going.

So I ate a bunch of those burned healthy tasting things. Should have just made the real ones.

I don't know why I just felt like I was hitting walls all day. I decided to take a shower, shave my legs, and make some tea. Shaved legs before bed time are so awesome. And today, it has to be the little things that make it awesome. I don't need another day off anytime soon...tomorrow is back to the busy. Those Days are behind me.


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