Sunday, June 20


154/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

Dad, Lauren, Me and [insert Rachel here].

Rachel is off to Colorado for Young Life camp. She missed Father's Day and it was sad, but she got to call a few times! And it was fun to watch my dad's face light up when she called, then fall when the call dropped, then light up when she called back.

It was a great day with my dad. We celebrated mostly with good food! I was housesitting but I came home early with his favorite Starbucks drink and Lauren and I made breakfast: chocolate chunk pancakes with homemade blackberry and blueberry sauce. Mom made some venison sausage and Lauren made eggs. We had too much fun eating breakfast so we were late to church. Church....good.

Then we had lunch at Mellow Mushroom, which by the way, only leaves me two culinary reasons to visit my college town of Nashville: Pancake Pantry and SATCO. I graduated three years ago and haven't been back since. It's a little crazy.

After lunch we made our way over to my cousin's house for ice cream sundae's. We spent about an hour going around the room and honoring the men in our family. We talk a lot and we bless a lot and most of the time it's right before a meal, so we say what we need to say, then we eat, then we say some more. But don't let our mouths loose when our bellies our full...because then we have no reason to stop. We'll even blubber through many, many tears.

It was a really amazing time and I LOVED hearing what everyone had to say. I heard some stories for the first time, I viewed every father through a daughter's eyes. Not granddaughter's eyes, not niece's eyes, not cousin's eyes. It was a glimpse into the guy's lives from their children's perspective. It's always nice to get out of your own world every once in awhile.

I completely butchered it when I talked, but I think I got my point across. My mom has this silly thing where when she cries she can't talk. I got that. I try, I TRY, but I can't. Meanwhile, Aunt Sherrice over here has tears flowing but is talking like any regular person...

But today and every day I love my daddy. He goes to the front lines for me and I am so thankful for him. I know this is weird and please don't get the wrong idea when I say it, but I can't wait for him to be a grandpa because he is going to be THE BEST. So Lauren and Rachel...get going.

Me with my car-fixer, heart-mender, dream-giver, love-pourer-outer.

Lauren with her ditto.

Mom with her main squeeze.

Is it vain of me to say they'd have beautiful kids?

Love you, Dad!


Anonymous said...

The easiest thing in the world to do is to be your Dad! I love the top picture soooooo much. Your soon to be PaPa Jr.

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