Tuesday, August 24


217/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

Hello, Mombasa.

You guys...it's in the 80s here. And the water is warm. And it's clear, and the sand is white. There are two pools at our hotel. The kids are in heaven.

We started the day with breakfast at the hotel and then...nothing. Amy and I came back to the room to decompress. She read and I went down to the pool to watch the kids swim. We left for lunch - fries at a joint on the side of the road. It was the third day we'd had fries for lunch so I politely declined. My body was aching. I never really eat fried food. My weakness is sugar. So I had a Fanta while everyone ate.

Then we went to Nakumatt to shop for groceries. I bought: apples! bananas! whole wheat crackers, jam, instant coffee (there is only tea at breakfast), whole wheat bread, granola bars, and chocolate wafers. I sat right there and ate crackers with a little piece of soft cheese I'd picked up. Then we went to visit the SWEET apartment that our friend, Roy, and his girlfriend are staying at. Faustin is staying there too, now. I don't blame him. It's the nicest place I've seen in Kenya. Vaulted ceilings, flat screen TV, large kitchen, pool - not bad. I glanced around and then beelined for the kitchen to make a PBJ. Ahhhh....home.

When we got back to the hotel I went down to the beach to write in my journal. And then...then...I went for a run. I ran for 25 minutes, then I ran steps, then I walked, then I ran some more. I kept going for an hour. My cold is almost completely gone so I can breathe again. People were looking at me like I was crazy, making laps around the hotel buildings, and some cheered me on. I ended by running out to the beach where the moon was starting to reflect off the water. So I turned right back around to get Amy because someone else needed to see how beautiful it was. We sat out there and talked for 30 minutes or so.

Then we checked out the Chola's. Miss Pauline was making dinner so I decided to shower and get out of my sweaty clothes. It felt so good to sweat, for real! By the time we got back she had hot rice, beans, and potatoes. I ate so well. I love to eat after swimming or working out. And with my cold gone, everything tastes good again.

I know you know this already....but I love food!!! And you can probably tell....but I love Mombasa!!!


rachwhite said...

Goodness, Britt, you are definitely having the time of your life. Mombassa looks amazing! I love you and miss you still!

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