Tuesday, August 31


225/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

Sarah has officially recruited Amy and I to join the gym down the road. It’s not too expensive and you get a free trainer - something that I’ve never been too, too interested in, but I like free.

I decided to start off on the treadmill and I happily ran 3.5 miles and walked another .5 on an incline. I was sooo happy with myself for being able to enjoy my run so much after about a month off. I am awesome! I am so in shape!

Then I joined Amy and Sarah in some ab work, which also wasn’t terrible. It was hard enough to feel like I did something but I wasn’t crying or anything.

And then one of the trainers, Jack, said he’d give us a free Muay Thai session upstairs. In the last few years I’ve really wanted to take a kick boxing class so I figured this was good enough. So Jack took Amy and I started training with Jeff. First he showed me how to throw some punches. Then some kicks. Then some knees. And then...he made me do squats and jumps and crunches and all kinds of other things for one hour.

Now I know why I came to Africa.

And now I know why people on the Biggest Loser throw up. I’ve never had a workout like that, and for two hours straight. I was hunched over by the end, by legs ache like crazy, and my hands are still shaking after a shower and cooking dinner (by the way, today we cooked Pad Thai, a zucchini frittata, and a fruit salad with pineapple, oranges, and apples off the road - our plans to visit Joy Divine were cancelled so we found other things to do).

Needless to say...I can’t wait to go back.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a pretty good workout. Wish I could have seen you punching and kicking!

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