Monday, March 22


64/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

On my twenty fifth birthday, I received an awesome gift from Danielle. Danielle started out as Lauren's friend but now she's also my friend and Lauren freaks out and gets jealous when Danielle texts me and Lauren doesn't know what it's about.

By the way, that's pretty much the progression of all of Lauren's friends. It's like the opposite of hand-me-downs. Only they aren't really old. In fact they are younger than me. I mean, maybe hand-me-downs aren't the best example here. Just beware. If you become friends with Lauren, chances are you'll be texting ME one day.

And I actually just got a text from Danielle! I'm not going to tell you what it's about because it'll bother Lauren and I love to bother Lauren.

Anyway, she gave me this journal. And I started it today! I love journals and I love starting journals. I always skip the first page because I figure I'll want to come back at the end and, I don't know, write something. Like the date. I don't know. But this time I did write on the front page. I wrote my name and the starting date, left room for the end date, and called it my Prayer Journal, 'cause that's what it's gonna be. It's about time I had one.

I think it might be the most important journal I'll ever have.

This is the one they will bury and a young girl-child will find it years from now.

She'll read all about me and be inspired by my life!

Then she'll make a move and call it, "The Forgotten Journal"!

Then I'll get a lifetime achievement Academy Award and I'll be more famous when I'm dead than when I'm alive and people will say things like, "It's such a shame" and, "I feel like we'd have been friends" and, "I bet she was really hot."

All thanks to Danielle. And if I were alive, Danielle, I'd be sure to thank you in my acceptance speech.


Unknown said...

you're weird. and you're allowed to text my friends, I just think I just get curious if y'all are talking about something I can't know about. which you usually aren't you just don't want to tell me what it is. If y'all are planning a surprise party for me then I'll stop asking. I'm glad you're friends with my friends though.

Danielle Landy said...

I love being part of your blog, and so excited for your prayer journal. It's going to be amazing see how God answers each thing. I have a prayer box and sometimes I forget about it, but when I open it and look through what has been answered and how it just makes me realize all the more God's sovereignty. And I'll probably be texting you within a day or so, just because.

Anonymous said...

I really want to be in the Forgotten Journal movie.

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