Wednesday, March 24


66/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

The longer I look at this picture and the later it gets the weirder it looks.

At first I loved the stained glass in the background and the macro setting on the mic.

This is not the first macro picture ever taken of a mic and it will not be the last. But I still like taking 'em.

Tonight I played piano and sang with the Fuse band at youth and it was so cool and awesome and all that. I love those people and that place.

We watched a storm come through before youth started. The winds changed, the clouds swirled, the rain came. It was awesome and we all wanted to play in it. So we did! Some more than others.


That's Lisa. Isn't she cute?

Some other things:

1. I managed my time terribly today.
2. It's harder to drink only one cup of coffee a day than I thought it'd be - and I have no steady job! I just run around and do stuff and I still can't thrive off one cup. But I'm trying.
3. Which reminds me, I brewed some green tea awhile ago and forgot to drink it. So I'm gonna down it before bed.
4. It'll help me get out of bed in the morning if I really have to pee. Then I can manage my time better.
5. I used to want to be an elephant when I grew up.
6. I was a dumb kid.
7. Bye.


Unknown said...

thanks :)

you wanted to be an elephant? freak.

Andrew Fish said...

Great pictures! i got to see some of them happen!

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