Friday, May 7


110/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

It took me so long to type the New York round-up post this morning that I almost forgot to blog today's photo.

I also put the NY pictures on facebook, which I haven't been doing much of. I have way too many albums on facebook and this blog sort of distracts me from uploading more. Sometimes that's good, I guess.

Anyway, today happened. After I babysat, I drove to Whole Foods in Arlington that I did not know existed! And it's 10 minutes from my house and that's a lot closer than my beloved Central Market. I am so happy about this. I picked up some oat flour, quinoa, and almond butter by the pound to celebrate.

I resisted the coffee. Too much money spent on iced coffees in the past week.

Okay, someone settle this for me. Is it "past" or "passed"? I never know. So normally I just use "last," but I think it's time I learned.

I drove home from Whole Foods the "back way," which is always really pretty when the trees aren't dead. I love this part where they cover the road like a tunnel. It makes me feel like I'm not about to drive into a big housing division.

Speaking of driving, tomorrow my parents and I are driving to OSU to pick up Lauren from college. She's home for the summer and I'm home for the summer. She told me she can't wait to babysit, lay out, and work out with me every day. At least I can do all that and I don't look too old for it, otherwise, how embarrassing!!!!!! Someone said to me today, "you must not have graduated from high school long ago." High school?!

In that case...SENIOR SUMMER 2010 BABY!!


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