Saturday, May 8


111/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

I'm in Stillwater today. My parents and I are helping Lauren move out of her dorm and I'm a bit resentful. I moved out of my dorm 3 times all by myself (even without student help because us RA's had to stay longer). Then I drove 10 hours all by myself. I told Lauren that every time I carried my TV down the stairs I envisioned myself tripping and that television breaking into a million tiny pieces. A million tiny pieces which then lodged themselves into my belly.

It was a troubled time.

But today has been a good day. I'm happy to help Lauren. She could not do this job alone.

Not only does she have to clean out her room, little miss RA has to clean out the entire common area.

Which means washing dishes.

But that also means whatever is left in the kitchen now belongs to us. Helloooooo Lean Cuisines and 3 dozen eggs!

This is the entrance to her room. Lots and lots of door decs.

So after all that packing, we went and got some Greek food. And then we went to a wine bar. It's a place that makes Lauren feel sophisticated.

My parents look great.

You wouldn't see her caught dead with one of these before she was 21. Not that I tried...

Mom's. Dad's. Lauren's. Mine. Ahem.

And there was also this. Full disclosure.

Tonight my parents are sleeping in Lauren's dorm bed and Lauren and I are sleeping on cushions in the study room. I'll be sure and let ya know how that goes.


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