Monday, May 10


113/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

How does everyone feel about posting a photo of a photo?

Since I make the rules around here and today I want to post a photo of a photo, I'm going to say it's okay. I did take this photo of a photo today, after all. So...that counts.

In case you didn't know, that's my mother up there. The original picture was taken December 6, 1984 - a little over a month before she had her first of three daughters. That's me in there!

Before I go the obvious route, can we all pause and admire her shoes? Freakin' awesome shoes and she's 8 months pregnant. And they look great with that dress, which I'm a huge fan of. They should come back, the moo moo-ish dresses. I'd wear heals all the time if I could wear such comfortable and forgiving dresses!

Okay thanks. Un-pause.

Yesterday was Mother's Day. I feel like I didn't give adequate attention to my mom.

I think I could dedicate an entire blog to my mom. I could talk and talk about her. She is absolutely the best.

She let me leave. And then she let me come back. I can't recall a time when she didn't want to talk to me for hours. I love to shop with her and cook with her and run with her. She loves me, Lauren, and Rachel all the same. She adores my dad. She is hilarious. I mean it, she cracks us up ALL the time. She drops these one-liners that you'd never expect. I love when one of my sisters calls me and says, "Guess what mom said!" because I know a laugh-cry is coming up.

She has the most tender heart of anyone I know, but she is resilient. She is an amazing teacher - at home and at school. She has a class of teenage mothers and I don't know how she does it. She hears heartbreaking stories on a regular basis, yet she doesn't fall to pieces. She keeps going back every day. She is truly one of a kind.


I like this page in the photo album. My parents are only a few years older than I am now!

Don't get any ideas.

Anyway, there is so much I could say. It wouldn't be enough. But my mom loves my blog (as any good mother-of-a-blogger should...I think most blogs are started to keep moms updated in the first place), and I wanted to honor her here.

Love ya, mom. Thanks for not naming me Brandall.


Anonymous said...

Wow, this was a surprise. I'm eating my Mother's Day chocolate heart that you gave me as I read this. Thank you for this and you girls make it easy for me to be the kind of mom you described. You're going to be a good one too someday!

Anonymous said...

Very sweet, Brittany. And I remember you both that way.

Aunt Monica

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