Thursday, September 2


227/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

Fat little toddlers pooping and peeing as a unit.

I learned how to tie a "nappie" today. They use cloth diapers at New Life Home. And then they wear these plastic things over the nappies and the towels so they have really huge butts.

How many Americans still use cloth diapers on a regular basis? I remember having some in our house, but I'm not sure if they were ever used. Imagine all the babies in the orphanage using them. All the babies being on the same eating/playing/sleeping/peeing schedule. It's pretty funny to me and the kids are happy. But wow, those cloth diapers. They kinda gross me out.


Evangeline said...

Michael's parents used cloth diapers, believe it or not - for both their kids, I think. I, too, am grossed out. I couldn't handle it.

Anonymous said...

I only used those cloth diapers for burp pads when you all were babies. But it is kind of amazing how they put those diapers on them and don't use pins.

Bitterroot Mama said...

I use cloth diapers (Smartipants)! They're pretty easy to use since I have my baby trained to use the potty for number two. I can imagine it being weird on other kids and if you're handling serious messes. I found your site through a site of a friend of a friend. Can't wait to follow along!

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