Saturday, September 11


235/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

The balcony view from my room. It's too bright, but in the distance you can see the gym. On Thursday I starred from the gym to my room as motivation to finish up and get the heck out of there.

i took this picture while I was listening to the people celebrating Eid down in the street somewhere. They were blowing vuvuzelas and the kids were making a racquet.

It was strange to listen to while I thought of the last three years I spent in New York on this day. The first year I remember looking at the lights where the twin towers stood from the top of Central Park. The last two years I drove right by them on the way home from the company bowling party.

Here there is no Labor Day, no 9/11, no annoyingly early Halloween decorations, which I'm guessing means no candy on sale. I enjoy blogging when I'm happy. When I'm upset I make a conscious decision not to show it and I used to think it was because I really hate common social media complainers. But if I'm being honest and sharing my life here, I'll tell you that I'm happy. And I'm sad. Everywhere I am, I miss the other place. I don't know what to do next, my closest friends are constantly in and out of my life, the things I was passionate about are shifting.

I have seven more weeks here. Not even halfway finished yet. I am happy here but I'll always miss home. Wherever, and whoever, that is.


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