Sunday, September 26


250/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

Maybe my blog is leaving something to desire color-wise or maybe Ryan is just weird, but he emailed me and asked me to post a picture that had color, life, and vibrance in it. I thought that'd be hard to capture in just one, so I took a lot. Actually, it was pretty fun and I'm happy he asked me to do it. I'd sort of lost my eye for taking pictures and was shooting just for the sake of having a picture of whatever I did that day. As soon as I started looking for color I started noticing all of these things that I pass every day. Like the yellow light and the Standard sign. The wall mural is something I had noticed, however, and I was happy to have reason to finally stop and take a picture of it, at the risk of looking like a tourist. I just hate that. Blame New York.

Ryan is one of my very absolutely bestest really closest friends and was here with me last year for a month. I hope these pictures make you miss it because you really need to come back.


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