Sunday, September 5


230/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

This is Sarah. Downstairs neighbor, world traveler, gym-lover, future-baby-stealer. She wowed Amy and I the first week we met her with stories about all of her travels and how everything she owns fits in a couple suitcases. For real! She's in Kenya and staying with her parents but could jetset off at anytime and when she does? Better make sure she isn't smuggling that baby.

Speaking of, that baby is the precious weeks-old daughter to Njoro (aka Joe, or Peter, depending) and Sue. I met Njoro in 2007 when he guided my family around Nairobi for two weeks. He was by our side every step of the way and we love him. I think one of my favorite memories of Njoro is him dancing by the fire in a white cowboy hat the night of my aunt and uncle's wedding in the Masai Mara. Or it could be the card game afterwards with him and my cousins. All I remember about that night is laughing for hours.

He was single that year. And then in 2009 he was engaged to be married just days after I left. And this year, he's got a sweet little girl named Zara. It's funny how so many people's lives have changed drastically since I met them in 2007. 'Cause besides graduating from college, moving to New York City and getting a staph infection the day my health insurance kicked in, my life is pretty much the same!


rachwhite said...

I bet you love this lady, she sounds like a movie character, I love it! Sweet baby!!

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