Saturday, September 25


249/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

We went back to Moi Girls School where we had spoken last Sunday morning. Every Saturday they have entertainment night. The girls can choose between a disco or CU. Disco is dance party. CU is Christian....something. I figured I'd have gone to the disco even if I were a Christian in high school. But we still had probably 400 girls show up. We played the movie "One Night With the King" about Queen Esther and it was craaaaaazy. EVERY TIME something happened that deserved any reaction at all, these girls screamed. Especially if there was a kiss on screen. I'm talking, my ears were ringing by the end of the night.

Before the movie some of us shared and we sang two songs. They were ecstatic about the guitars. I took one of the songs. I wanted to have something for them to sing along with because they have such beautiful voices - I told them they were my duet partner. So I brought them this song from Psalm 103. Above is a short clip. Below are the words to the full song in case you'd like to know:

Who made the wind His messengers
and flames of fire His ministers
Who formed all the foundations of the earth

Who calls on the earth and it quakes and it trembles
Who touches the mountains, they smoke and they quiver
You made the earth and all of its beauty
so I will sing, yes I will sing

I will sing to the Lord
as long as I live
You are mighty, yes You are mighty
and the earth will cry out
but I won't grow silent
for what a mighty God we serve

Who made the ocean so vast and so wide
Who gave the birds a song and a sky
You who love me more than I deserve

All of creation is for Your adoration
Lord, I stand in awe of your imagination
You give me reason to worship before You
so I will sing, yes I will sing

I will sing to the Lord
as long as I live
You are mighty, yes You are mighty
and the earth will cry out
but I won't grow silent
for what a mighty God we serve

And of all of the reasons to sing
You've created your own masterpiece
in me, so I will sing


Anonymous said...

listening to the most beautiful voice in the world singing with an angelic backup group just made two adults cry like babies! MY MY MY! Your proud Dad

Bid Me Wings said...

I had chills all over and tears in my eyes! You.are.amazing.

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