Wednesday, April 28


101/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

Look at this pretty girl!

Today is her 19th birthday. She's very awesome and she's my soul sister. We loved each other immediately. The first time we met was in Africa. We really liked being in Africa together. So we've decided to go again, and I'm about to tell you all about it in a separate post.

I bought her these flowers. I used to think flowers were boring but I'm really loving flowers these days.

Here we are! Notice how Amy is super cute and fashionable. She's always like that. I, on the other hand, have completely given up on getting dressed. I'm straight up running shorts and t-shirts. I think that's the fifth time I've worn that outfit this week and it's Wednesday. So try to figure that one out.

This guy was in front of me earlier today. I figured I'd go a little stalker city on him and expose his floral shirt. Awesome style, dude.

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And here's my two-faced dog. My dad tried to shave her but didn't get very far. I tried to take her to the groomers yesterday, but her shots were out dated. So we're taking her to the vet tomorrow. But they won't groom her until 48 hours after the shots. So she's stuck like that for awhile. Literally half.....butt.

I really want to say it, but I won't. This is a family blog.

Anyway, happy birthday, Amy! Can't wait to live with you on the other half of the world!


Andrew Fish said...

One Pic by Andrew Fish!! :) haha you look great in running shorts and a teeshirt

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