Saturday, October 2


256/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

Today was moving day and I was so happy to feel better this morning. The Nyquil gave me some interesting dreams - including one where I was back in the States - but other than some of those images, I think I've recovered.

This is our new room. It's quite the opposite from staying at Ndemiland. There are 7 people in this small apartment rather than 2 in a large apartment. I've been a little nervous for the move, I'll admit, but I feel better now that I'm unpacked and well-fed. The hardest part is going to be the lack of freedom. I've been searching for any place that we can walk to on our own and - fingers crossed - get some free wifi. I've been told we're out of luck on that one.

So this is our home for the next month!

I want to wish my parents a happy anniversary before I sign off. Sorry that I talked to you both on the phone but forgot to say it! I'm happy that you met on a blind date and fell in love and kept with it all this time. You've almost made it to 30 years! I believe with all my heart that one day you'll travel to Hawaii and that mom, dad will buy you that red mustang. Wish I were home so I could post embarrassing pictures of you guys. On the bright side, there's one reason to be thankful that I left the country!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the anniversary wishes. You're one of the three best things to come out of our marriage. And I am so glad you are feeling better.
Love, Mom

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