Friday, October 8


261/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

I'm still recuperating from yesterday. I got up at 5:30 and went to bed at 1:00 AM and had no time or money to get online to blog.

First I showered.

Then we drove out to CMM and I had some oatmeal (only one more American packet tasted like pure bliss) and two cups of instant coffee.

Then we set out about 300 pairs of shoes for the Masai pastors. We carried tables and boxes on our heads all over the site.

After what seemed like an entire afternoon, it was only 10:00 AM. So we drove back near town to teach. We had tea and mandazis then started with our excellent standard 6 art class. I was pumped and full of energy after an awesome morning. And then we moved on to our standard 7 Bible class. What happens between 6 and 7? They are like night and day. We had some following directions issues and some didn't-study issues. So that sort of drained me. But after a PBJ, apple and a Coke I was feeling a little better.

Then we went to take pictures and we caused a riot. But I got some good pictures like the one above of the younger kids peeking out of their class. And this one:

This is Oped and Steve. I love calling on Oped because it makes me think of Aped from Community. He's a cutie and he's smart and involved. Steve is the class clown who needed a "boost" last week.

After lunch we had art with Standard 7. They had some more following directions issues but overall it wasn't so bad.

We had to go to Nakumat after class, then we had to go pick up Faustin's girlfriend, then we drove back out to CMM by 4:45.

It was pretty chaotic from there. But we did make time to make some chipati.

I learned that they sometimes add shredded carrot to the dough for color and taste.

Rollin' in dough. Har, har...

Then the sun set.

The Masai are famous for their jumping and their dancing, in addition to their warrior skills, of course. So they brought in some Masai musicians and we went to watch the last session.

It was pretty wild.

There were no seats left so Amy and I were sitting on the ground outside and decided to go back to the green room when it started getting chilly and raining.

That's when we were bombarded and clothed in Masai regalia for a picture that I'm still confused about.

I was about to kill a lion, pretty much.

We finally had dinner, which was another fiasco, but it was good. I overdid it on chapati and pineapple.

The last few nights we'd been getting home by 9 at the lastest. But last night for whatever reason, we didn't leave until 11:45 PM. We talked and waited until we couldn't stand it anymore. I collapsed on a couch and someone threw a blanket on me.

When we finally left Miss Pauline had discovered the bag of cow bones that had been sitting in the car for the dog. So that was an awesome smell. She wasn't happy.

I think I woke up again at 2:30. I didn't have my phone so I don't know what time it was, but I did wake up. The night before I woke up at 2:30 with a charlie horse in my calf. Seriously!

But we slept in until 9:00. Our day was cancelled because there are no cars available with other groups visiting from the States. It's probably for the best. We're now looking at an awesome weekend at the Brickmans' apartment back at Ndemiland. I've already had my Java coffee and bought a pineapple on the street. Doesn't really get better than that.

PS - I posted the September favorite poll while we were at Java so scroll down and vote!


rachwhite said...

haha nice, it's good that you're still doing stuff like that

Anonymous said...

I see you found a big stick, with a pointy end. That's good, carry that around with you.

Anonymous said...

Nice stick, but I think it's the fearsome look that will protect you!

Monica (off to google the bread, looks good)

Brittany White said...

Stuff like what, Rachel?

rachwhite said...

like that last picture :)

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