Tuesday, October 5


259/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

You go ahead and melt. I'll wait.

Seriously, can you believe how beautiful this is? It's my new desktop. These kids go to school at the church we park at in Kibera. They aren't even at our school but every day they greet us with their "how are yous". Today we left as they were getting out of school. I happened to slip my hand out the car window and immediately there were at least 50 kids there, grabbing my hand to greet me and making me thank God for reminding me to bring the hand sanitzer. I'd been practicing my Kswahili with my students so I was able to say a few things to them. They said some strange things, though. Like, for example: "The cows are fresh" which I'm not quite sure I understood...

That little boy has his hand on my door handle as we were driving off. They followed us as far as they could until a few people started yelling after them so they wouldn't get trampled or run over. My GOODNESS I love the kids in Kibera!

We went back out to the center to catch the end of today's conference but it started pouring so basically we just took tea and read in the green room until it was time to leave. It poured! In all the days I've been to Kenya I've never seen it rain like that.

I was starving when we got back so I served myself a generous helping of pilou (spiced rice) and chicken necks.

And then I visited my chocolate stash since I realized I just ate a few chicken necks and that's kinda weird.


Anonymous said...

I laughed at the "chocolate stash and chicken necks". Those kids are cute!

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