Friday, October 22


276/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

Today we finally had our long overdue field day at KKV.

The first time we tried, I threw up all day.

The second time we tried, we didn't have a vehicle to get us there.

The third time we tried, Amy had splitting headaches and nausea.

The third time was today, actually. Her head hurt so bad that she was tearing up on the field, but she stayed there until the very last minute.

Then she crashed on the couch while I rubbed paces. Which is Kenyan for erased work books that the kids reuse for school.

Then we had spaghetti, but Amy just had a little. It started raining which is GREAT because they really need water out at KKV. The breeze was so nice and the sound of the storm was pretty cool, especially when the power went out. We finished dinner and played games by candle light. Then we drove over to the Brickman's. Amy is still feeling really terrible so please pray for her. We are going to the hospital in the morning. I think...we are both going to be tested for malaria. I mean, just in case. All part of the experience, right?

Anyway, here are some pictures from the field day. It was a little stressful and I'm going to be hoarse, I'm sure. Even though I had a whistle (yep), I found myself yelling over and over and over and over...

Drill Srgt. Brittany, getting the kids warmed up.

It's out of focus but it makes me laugh so much! He was running to tag the next runner.

Race time.

Egg toss gone bad...

These were the last two young girls in the egg toss. There was a lot of pressure on them.

They won!


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