Saturday, October 16


270/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

Today we finally had the chance to go back to Joy Divine Boys Home. It's one of my favorite places to visit. The boys that live there are such sweet, hard working kids. They all come to our church and they all attend our teen camp. Fred, who started the home, is just a few years older than me. He's doing an awesome thing for these boys, but they run on little funds in the middle of one of Nairobi's slums.

Before I left the States there was a chance that we might be able to set up sponsorships for these boys. I decided to work off that chance and gather some information today.

Interviewing Emmanuel.

Amy took so AMAZING pictures of the boys.

After coming back and having some lunch (tuna salad I miss those!), Amy, Sarah, and I walked over to Toi Market to shop the second-hand side-of-the-road shops for some dresses. Sarah was on a mission.

Amy and Sarah found a few things. I bought a banana.

For dinner we went out to an Italian restaurant. Everything was outside and they brought a portable fireplace thing to keep us heated. The atmosphere was so cool. I had a salad with chicken, mangos, strawberries, walnuts, and raspberry vinaigrette. Amy and I split tiramisu for dessert. My body is seriously lacking vegetables. I normally get an apple and a banana a day, but veggies are hard to come by.

Besides waking up to the tragedy of yesterdays Ranger game, it was a pretty good day.


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