Sunday, October 31


285/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

Today was kind of a repeat of yesterday. Wake up, coffee, pack, gym, lunch, pool, shower...then church, dinner and lounging around.

Amy and I took the bus to church by ourselves for the first time today. A bunch of guys were being obnoxious and talking about us. I know enough to tell, just wish I knew enough Swahili to turn around and catch them off guard. So, bus ride, not so fun.

At church the Chola kids hardly left our sight. I played restaurant/school/super heroes with Monje for 30 minutes. Shiro was hugging me at the end of the service when I felt her shaking. Poor thing couldn't stop crying, then Nzingo cried. I would have been a basket case if I wasn't being rushed to leave. I guess it's good that I kept it together. But I felt so sad leaving them. And knowing their parents are coming to the States the day after us...sheesh. I have no idea how they'll leave those kids without blubbering. Last year when we were leaving Shiro was the one who told me to come back again for longer. You just can't deny her.

Instead of a picture of crying kids, here's a nice view of the pool. The room I'm staying in is on the top floor, middle balcony. Currently relishing my last night in this comfy bed before the 24 hour travel time that looms. Hello, airport sleeping!


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