Saturday, October 30


284/365, originally uploaded by britrosewhite.

Today was fairly uneventful but thoroughly enjoyable!

I woke up after a nice long sleep, made some coffee and eggs, read some of the parables in Mark, and then went off to the gym. Yesterday I ran to the gym and thought I'd die. Looks like I'm in trouble: I can now run for miles on the treadmill but am no longer good on the outside terrain. I was so upset yesterday that I ran extra hard and fast. Same today, only it wasn't so easy this time. Felt good to finish, though.

Did a bit of shopping after that since we're getting tired of trying to make meals from bananas, eggs, and peanut butter.

Made some soup and toast for lunch then went and laid by the pool with my iPod. It's summer here!

So then I showered, then I went and bought bags of coffee, then made spaghetti, then ate, then got picked up to go bowling!

There was a Halloween party at Village where we went to bowl. Imagine a million snotty high schools kids trying to impress each other. It was sickening. The worst part was finding girls doing shots of vodka in the bathroom and knowing that even if I told a manager, they wouldn't do anything about it. But aside from the rabid kids, we had so much fun bowling with some of our friends and the Chola kids. Duncan is such a great brother. He helped Monje bowl and here he's rejoicing with her even though she didn't knock any pins.

I did okay. Started strong with a spare and ended with two strikes in the last frame. The middle part...not so great.

So by the way, I'm out of battery for my camera and out of credit for Internet. So I'm blogging from my phone for awhile. Which will explain the odd, experimental editing with various iPhone apps. Bare with me.


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